9025-764200 第二个五年计划完成进度统计
北朝旧贴 | lightino | 共 9121 字 | 2018-07-30 | | 编辑本页
lightino 于 2018-7-25 21:29:22 发表了:
本帖最后由 lightino 于 2018-7-27 23:31 编辑 如下是正文里的二五工作计划,会把正文和同人里的相关技术完成度进行统计,方便同人们跟进技术发展。请各位能够给我提供相关信息。(原文为深红文字,已完成为蓝灰色文字,网站默认链接文字为蓝灰色,此颜色调整节约编辑时间)在企划院制定的第二个五年计划中,马袅钢铁公司的规模将不再扩展,元老院钢铁工业的重心将转移到广东,同时将在广州设立第二个机械制造中心。 第二个五年计划将着重发展以下产业和工程: **电力:**自备电站成套设备制造;发电机组博铺火电站220V和380V小型低压网络输配电设备和相关仪表制造;白炽灯制造。灯泡复装**机械:**重点发展装备制造业,完成基本工业母机的自我复制,能自行制造车、铣、刨等基本型机床,试验性制造百吨级液压机;大力发展各种专业机械设备的制造――重点是为冶金、机械、化工配套的装备。加大对工艺装备的设计和制造能力的投入力度,提高标准件、齿轮和轴承的产量、种类和质量。 **精密仪器和设备:**增加对光学设备、仪器仪表和量具的开发试制投入,双金属温度计;弹簧管式压力表;手动阀门控制系统;电流表; 天文望远镜重点开发手摇式机械计算器。机械式计算机**化工:**进一步扩大三酸两碱的生产规模;扩大联炭法工艺合成氨生产;重点发展盐化、煤化。 干馏罐和馏分罐分流阀蜡烛制作长坡油页岩矿区分馏塔汽油,煤油和柴油对有机化工生产进行初步探索。在具体项目上,重点对医药、农药、化学试剂和火工品展开项目攻坚。硝化棉寻找并试验橡胶代用品。 **冶金:**在广东上马第二个钢铁联合体,进一步扩大钢材产量,增加钢材牌号和型材种类。对事关国民经济需要的特殊钢:硅钢、不锈钢、锰钢、钨钢开展项目攻坚。埋弧还原电炉不锈钢扩大电解铜生产规模。电解铜进一步提升有色金属产量和纯度。**动力设备:**进一步改进锅炉和蒸汽机的性能,扩大产量。锅炉在确保质量的前提下,向中高压锅炉展开探索;蒸汽机的发展重点是多涨式、大马力,主要为船舶和发电站配套。批量制造小型单缸和多缸柴油机。开展对汽油机的试验性生产。内燃机**交通工具:**系列化、标准化生产蒸汽机车头和车皮; 凯斯拖拉机米邵克斯自行车在大中型船只上推广铁肋木壳技术; 铁肋木壳飞剪船大力发展内河机动船舶;推广新型船舶;试验性建造铁壳船只和活塞飞机。滑翔三角翼滑翔机**轻工业:**重点推进丝织业生产、成衣制造业和食品深加工。 **电子电器:**开展电子管研发和无线电元器件制造, 包烟纸电容;继电保护器真空电子管批量制造全自产元器件的有线、无线电收发报机;批量制造收音机、扩音喇叭 充磁器,人造磁铁和喇叭和第一代人工交换电话系统。 **交通通讯:**完成海南环岛和十字穿岛简易公路和有线电报系统,到二五结束,海南全大区县县通公路,通电报;建设广州-三水铁路;海口港一期;三亚港二期;高雄港二期;昌化港一期;昌化-石碌简易公路;三水内河港;建设广州无线广播电台和三亚授时电台。 临高塔无线电发射塔**矿山:**田独铁矿二期工程;韶关煤矿一期工程;鸿基煤矿二期工程;东南亚石油勘探和试验性开发。 文莱油田杜里油田文莱油田**水利:**完成松涛水库的修建和部分配套渠道工程。争取在第二个五年计划完成之后,保证临高的工农业生产和人民生活用水需求。另外在高雄、临高等元老院主要沿海农业区修建沿海大堤,抵御海水倒灌。**文教方面,**在第二个五年计划里,在全海南大区各个县均设立完小一座,不满1万人口的县,先设初小一所。 在广州和高雄,仿芳草地模式各设立十年制国民示范学校一所。在高雄和济州岛,按每1.6万人口设立1所初小的标准建立学校。 高雄国民学校 ……高等教育也有了项目:在香港设立海军军官学校, 博铺海军训练营香港海军士官学校在济州设陆军军官学校。 陆军军官学校在临高设立综合理工学院和高等师范学院作为文理科高等院校。 ……项目名单:韶关钢铁公司一号高炉、一号平炉、韶关煤矿一号井、韶关中央洗煤厂、香港造船厂一号大坞、临高光学设备厂、广州第二机械总厂、鸿基煤矿二号坑、鸿基中央洗煤厂、临高仪表量具厂、临高电子厂、临高电缆厂、马袅钨铁合金厂、马袅金属结构厂、广州玻璃厂、广州肉联厂、广州丝厂、广州煤气厂、广州电机厂、琼山建材水泥厂、昌化水泥厂、文昌椰产品加工厂、海口海产品加工厂、济州岛肉联厂、雷州糖厂…… 其它计划外 临高广播影视集团
没事乱溜达 于 2018-7-25 21:55:55 发表了:
lightino 于 2018-7-25 22:02:16 发表了:
没事乱溜达 发表于 2018-7-25 21:55
陆李仙 于 2018-7-25 22:03:37 发表了:
liutom2 于 2018-7-25 22:15:15 发表了:
陆李仙 发表于 2018-7-25 22:03
lightino 于 2018-7-25 22:16:46 发表了:
liutom2 发表于 2018-7-25 22:15
没事乱溜达 于 2018-7-25 22:18:02 发表了:
liutom2 发表于 2018-7-25 22:15这是奔着帝国主义去了
没事乱溜达 于 2018-7-25 22:23:24 发表了:
lightino 发表于 2018-7-25 22:02正文里的卫星,同人们的血汗
liutom2 于 2018-7-25 22:59:34 发表了:
lightino 发表于 2018-7-25 22:16
liutom2 于 2018-7-25 23:00:08 发表了:
没事乱溜达 发表于 2018-7-25 22:18
繁华烬燃 于 2018-7-25 23:06:28 发表了:
没事乱溜达 发表于 2018-7-25 22:18
某食肉动物2 于 2018-7-25 23:08:00 发表了:
繁华烬燃 于 2018-7-25 23:09:15 发表了:
kong78 于 2018-7-25 23:15:43 发表了:
本帖最后由 kong78 于 2018-7-25 23:22 编辑
某食肉动物2 于 2018-7-25 23:19:36 发表了:
kong78 发表于 2018-7-25 23:15飞机没同人吗?我记得有好几篇吧。
kid1417 于 2018-7-25 23:19:49 发表了:
没事乱溜达 于 2018-7-25 23:24:39 发表了:
繁华烬燃 发表于 2018-7-25 23:06临高一直是爽文呢,难道你不知道吗?
没事乱溜达 于 2018-7-25 23:25:49 发表了:
liutom2 发表于 2018-7-25 23:00狒狒们就是奔着帝国主义去的
lightino 于 2018-7-25 23:27:33 发表了:
kong78 发表于 2018-7-25 23:15
飞机没同人吗?我记得有好几篇吧。机械计算机都已经转正了。白炽灯我记得有灯丝复装。东南亚石油找关键字文 …
kong78 于 2018-7-26 00:12:03 发表了:
本帖最后由 kong78 于 2018-7-26 09:36 编辑
lightino 发表于 2018-7-25 23:27
手机不好找。http://lgqm.huijiwiki.com/wiki/% … 4%E8%AF%9E%E7%94%9F 机械式计算机https://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=491 … 192m&uid=0&pu=usm@2,sz@1320_1001,ta@iphone_2_5.1_3_537&bd_page_type=1&baiduid=D64936E9BA3E2E0A38C2D1690569A9B4&tj=www_normal_1_0_10_title&referer=m.baidu.com?pn=0& 陆军军官学校http://lgqm.huijiwiki.com/wiki/701%E5%8E%82 灯泡复装http://lgqm.huijiwiki.com/wiki/% … E%E7%94%9F%E8%AE%B0 真空电子管http://lgqm.huijiwiki.com/wiki/% … 4%E6%9B%99%E5%85%89http://lgqm.huijiwiki.com/wiki/% … 7%E8%B7%83%E8%BF%9B 两个发电的http://lgqm.huijiwiki.com/wiki/%E9%BB%91%E9%87%91http://lgqm.huijiwiki.com/wiki/% … 6%E8%AE%A1%E5%88%92http://bbs.northdy.com/thread-730671-1-1.html 三篇东南亚石油http://lgqm.huijiwiki.com/wiki/% … 4%E8%B7%9D%E7%A6%BB 天文http://lgqm.huijiwiki.com/wiki/% … 1%E4%B8%8E%E7%99%BD 仪表,橡胶
巴拉莱卡大尉 于 2018-7-26 01:31:45 发表了:
本帖最后由 巴拉莱卡大尉 于 2018-7-26 08:40 编辑 铁肋木壳飞剪船
1. Dimensions
Deck for measurement of Tonnage
Length 210 ft
Beam Extreme 36 ft
Depth of Hold 20 ft 9
Length of Quarter Deck 45 ft in Main Deck and 4 ft high
Registered Tonnage about 900 Tons under Main Deck and not to exceed 950 tons New National Measurement.
2. Hull Description. The vessel to be ship rigged with Main and Lower Decks laid with a raised Quarter Deck aft 45 ft long and 4 ft high and level with the main rail and Liverpool house fitted on centre 30 ft long with a break 4 ft long on fore part for Captain, Officers and a few passengers as may be arranged for.
Approval of plans to be submitted by builders. Anchor Deck forward, Forecastle fitted below for crew. Small House to be fitted in wake of Foremast for Galley, Petty Officers, etc.
Vessel to be built under special survey and classed at Lloyds for 16 years. Special Survey fees to be paid by owners.
3. Keel. To be of American Rock Elm in long lengths 16-1/2" x 15" and to be scarfed and fastened in accordance with Lloyds' requirements and all through bolts to be of yellow metal.
4. Stem. To be of Teak 15" x 15" in one piece and bolted with yellow metal through bolts in accordance with Lloyd’s requirements
5. Sternpost. To be of Teak 16-1/2" x 15" of one piece and through bolted with yellow metal bolts to Lloyds' requirements.
6. Frames. To be of angle iron 3-3/4" x 4-1/2" x 9/16" in one length from keel to Gunwale and of full size and proportions for a vessel of size and tonnage and classified to Lloyds' requirements.
7. Reverse Frames. To be of angle iron 3" x 3" x 7/16" and to be run from the bottom up to the lower and main decks alternately as per Lloyds' rules.
8. Floors. To be 24" deep in centre x 9/16" running well up the bilge, wash plates of iron to be properly fitted and riveted to angle iron in bilges in body of ship.
9. Centre Keelson. To be box framed side plates 16" x 9/16", top plate 10-1/2" x 9/16" having angle irons on lower side 3-3/4" x 4-1/2" x 9/16" and on upper sides 3" x 3" x 7/16" to be perforated where required and made to act as ventilators.
10. Bilge Keelsons. To be in number and size as required by Lloyds and to be two angle irons riveted together with a bulb iron bar between.
11. Bilge Plates. To be 24" wide by 5/8" tapering to 12" as per Lloyds' requirements.
12. Keel Plate. To be 30" x 13/16" running up to the ends of the to above ‘tween deck Beams and fastened to the Keel with yellow metal through bolts and galvanised screw bolts in accordance with Lloyds’ requirements.
13. Stringers. Main Deck 30-1/2" x 5/16" and fitted home to outside plating and riveted to angle irons 4" x 4" x 1/2". Iron gutter way to be 16" wide. Hold Beam Stringers to be 25-1/2" x 5/8" in accordance with Lloyds.
14. Ceiling. To be of red pine. Laid in hatchways 6 ft long with rings to lift, 2-3/4" thick upper turn of the Bilge. Remainder 2-1/2".
15. Diagonal Ties. On frames to be plate 9" x 5/8" placed as required for classification. Ties on Main Deck Beams to be 13-1/2" x 5/8" placed as required. Ties on Tween Deck Beams 15-1/2" x 5/8" and all in size and requirements of Lloyds.
16. Beams. Main Deck beams to be bulbed T iron 9 x 6-3/4" x 5/16". Hold Beams to be bulbed T iron 10" x 7" x 5/8" to be secured to the sides of the vessel by the ends of the beam being turned down forming a solid knee and riveted to the frames.
17. Stanchions. Hold and Tween Deck stanchions to be of round iron and larger than 1/4" larger than Lloyds' rules. To have double stanchions at fore and main hatches with bars between for ladders.
18. Bulkheads. To have watertight iron bulkheads of 3/8" plate iron at each end of vessel up to Main Deck level and strengthened by angle iron spaced 2-1/2" apart. Foremast Bulkhead to be far enough aft to give space in forecastle for 22 men.
19. Sheer strake. To be formed of plate iron 35-1/2" x 5/8".
20. Planking. Garboard strake to be 11" thick x 12" wide of American Rock Elm 6" thick up to 1/5th depth of hold from stringer plate, from thence to plank sheer 4-3/4". The whole outside planking of the vessel to be of Teak except the bottom which is to be of Rock Elm as before specified, the whole bottom and ship outside to be smoothly planed.
21. Fastenings. The whole of the outside planking to be bolted to the frames with yellow metal screw bolts of approved size by Lloyds, and the most approved method adopted for preventing oxidation of frames, more especially in bottom by surrounding the bolts and nuts with washers in wake of frames or as may be otherwise approved.
22. Bulwarks. To be of plate iron 5/16" thick to extend 4 ft above stringer plate according to tracing. Stanchions to be of iron H framed with rivets in each palm and to the 1-1/2" in diameter. Six ports of large and approved size and made to unship if required, to be cut in each side to allow the escape of water, to have rings, etc. to lift or lash, to have hinges fitted inside so as to give a smooth appearance outside and the frame to be solid with the hinge.
23. Main Rail. To be Teak 4" x 12" to have large pin rail in wake of rigging to be in line with break of poop.
24. Top Gallant Rail. To be Teak 6-1/2" x 3-1/2" to be or oval form on top. Bulwark to be panelled inside in ornamental Teak work.
25. Main Deck. To be of Teak 3-1/2" x 5", to be well secured to beams by galvanised screw bolts, to be free from sap, rot or shakes and to be fair and evenly laid, the Decks to be caulked and payed with pitch and resin.
26. Raised Quarter Deck (Poop). To be of the same material and size as the Main Deck and the sides of raised deck to be adapted for store rooms with entrance as may be arranged on. Roof of Liverpool house to be 2-1/2" x 5" Teak, house to be formed of strong angle iron framing 3-1/2" x 3", one upright angle iron on every beam with knee plates top and bottom.
The sides of the house to be neatly divided into windows with strong glass plate. Brass scuttles each berth and a Teak skylight on top, front of break of deck to be plated with iron. Companion of Teak half dome entrance in for part.
27. Sweat Boards. To be fitted under Main deck stringer in tween Deck with moveable boards to convey off any sweat from cargo into sides.
28. Rudder. To be of English Oak. Main piece from counter upward to be 16-1/4" diameter and to be of approved curve and size to be submitted to owner.
29. Braces. To be of hard Brass of size and shape as per rules.
30. Windlass. To be Emmerson & Walker or Harfield’s Patent as purchaser may decide on. Owner to pay the difference of price from a Common Windlass.
31. Cathead. To be of Teak with four patent Roller Sheaves, steel pins and patent strappers.
32. Steering Gear. To have Pickup’s and Buchannan’s Patent or right and left hand screw apparatus and to have spare iron tiller fitted on after part of rudder head with bolts so arranged in case of accident to screw. (Present one made by Paul of Dumbarton).
33. Anchor Deck (Monkey Foc’sle). To have small Anchor Deck. Forward as far aft as windlass with lockers for paint, etc. to be planked with 2-1/2" pine and to be same height as main rail with washboards 18" high bolted down on after part leading aft from centre so as to prevent water going on main deck and to topgallant bulwarks round forecastle to have moveable shutter to allow water to run off.
34. Deck House. To be iron framed and plated with Teak and panelled. Galley to be fitted at after end and to be properly lined in wake of cooking range with sheet iron. Floor to be neatly tiled with coloured tiles. Funnel to be of galvanised iron. Fore end of house to be fitted for Carpenter, Sailmaker, Boatswain, Apprentice, etc. and of a size as may be required.
35. Cabin. To be fitted to plans approved by owners, and saloon to be of different kinds of hard wood neatly panelled or else enamelled white and gold as may be approved of. Captain’s cabin to be fitted up with drawers, Chronometer Case, Chart Racks, etc. and also Officers' Cabin.
36. Hatches. To be three in number of a size as may be agreed on. Coamings to be formed of iron 18" high. Hatches to be planked with 1-1/18" tongue and grooved pine. Carlings to be of oak, to have hatch bars, cleats, etc. complete. Top of coamings outside and on lower part inside to have half round iron riveted to them. After hatch to have a Teak Booby hatch on top of iron coamings.
37. Capstan. To be placed in front of break of Deck, to be brass mounted to have racks for bars, etc. also to have one in forecastle.
38. Main Stay Plates. To be riveted to upper deck beams to be 2 ft wide and of such length as to take two beams. Diagonal rods to be carried from thence to lower deck beams so as to distribute the strain.
39. Lower Deck. To be of yellow pine 3" x 6" laid throughout with iron or teak coamings and to be 6ft 9" high Deck to Deck.
40. Forecastle (Foc’sle). To be fitted up bellow with Teak companion side lights and ventilators and scuppers for running off water, water closets, etc., all to meet Board of Trade requirements.
41. Hawse Pipes. To be two in number of No.1 Cold blast, to have large thick lips and to be bolted into Teak Chocks. Pipes to have a fair and direct lead to windlass.
42. Chain Lockers. To be 2-1/2" red pine firmly bolted to angle-iron framing and to be of sufficient size to contain chain.
43. Mooring Pipes. To be four in number on Main Deck with large inside flange riveted to Bulwarks and finished flush with outside.
44. Mooring Bitts. Four pairs to be placed on Main Deck, two in front of Foremast and two in front of Quarter Deck, to be large size, say 14" x 9", and to be bolted through stringer plate, to be round headed with tops to unscrew to act as ventilators, also to have two smaller bitts on Poop aft.
45. Boat Skids. To be 7" square supported on iron stanchions finished with Teak, and to be placed where most convenient.
46. Boat Davits. To be of sufficient size and number, and one pair on each side, and to be fitted with patent blocks and falls complete, one with four fold patent blocks and the other with three fold patent blocks with mats and grips for each boat and chafing poles to Davit.
47. Chain Plates. To be riveted to upper edge of sheer strake and with a flat palm and four 7/8" rivets. Rods to be 1-3/8" in diameter.
48. Dead Eyes. To be in number and size as required for rigging and to be lignum vitae.
49. Fife Rails. To be fitted with square stanchions of Teak, abaft the main$&2$& mast and fore mast with six (sic) sheaves in each and a Teak rail running between them, stout iron hoops with eyes in them round lower part of masts and pin hoops$&3$& above, all galvanised.
50. Water Tanks. Ten in number to contain 400 gallons each, to be placed where most convenient$&4$&.
51. Pumps. To be of Redpath’s patent of sufficient size for ship with bilge pumps fitted and spare upper and lower boxes to each pump and separate sounding pipe between pumps.
52. Boats. To be four in number according to scale of Board of Trade, viz. two life boats, one Cutter and Gig. Captain’s Gig to be of Teak and fitted with Mast and Sails. The other boats to have Teak top strakes, all boats to stand on chocks or have skids and to be placed as may be required. To be copper fastened and to have rowlocks, yokes with rudder for each and a set of ash oars, boathook and bucket for each and gratings for each boat where required.
53. Compasses. Three binnacles to be found, viz. Steering Binnacle and Compass, Standard in front of Poop with Board of Trade Compass, Azimuth on Skids between Boats, one suspended Cabin Compass, two spare cards, two spare Agates and two spare pivots to each compass with deviation card to be found, and two spare brass compasses all to be properly adjusted by swinging the vessel.
54. Brass Work. All the Bitt ends, cabin door locks and hinges, and door slides, mounting for capstan with plate and ship’s name. Helmets for compasses, Teak hand-rail in front of poop stairway and Brass perforated plates on steps of stairs, Ship’s bell 50 lbs. with name engraved, skylight hinges, Quadrants and guard side light frames to be of brass, small bell for Quarter Deck.
55. Plans, etc. The Builder to furnish model and Plans for approval, according to which the ship is to be built in strict terms, Deck plans and midship section showing Keelsons, Beams, Stringers, Decks and Stanchions with Bulwarks, rails, etc. Rigging Plan and profile.
56. Rigging. All blocks to have lignum vitae sheaves, steel pins, and the principal blocks Patent Roller Bushes on Brace and Halliard Blocks, all the deadeyes, Hearts and Bull’s Eyes to be Lignum Vitae. Iron for binding to be best scrap Yorkshire. Sheerpoles to be served. Rigging to be or iron wire, Newall’s best charcoal galvanised; standing rigging to be served and parcelled overall. Standing rigging and stays fore and main 5" remainder in proportion, size of rigging stays, etc. to be first approved by owners.
57. Lower Masts & Yards, etc. Fore and Main masts and Bowsprit to be of iron, Mizzen Mast to be Vancouvers,$&5$& Top Masts of Vancouvers, remainder of Spars to be pitch pine or black spruce, spars to be in size as agreed on. All iron masts and steel yards to be made on the most approved plan and in no case less than the size and requirements of Liverpool Underwriters' Rules.
58. Yellow Metal Sheathing. Vessel to be sheathed from Keel to 18 ft water mark on top of paper and tar sheathing to be to be smoothly put on, sheets to be 22, 24, 26 oz. metal.
59. Cargo Winches. Double purchase to be found at fore and main hatches, foremost winch to have chain lifter attached.
60. Scuppers. Upper Main Deck, four on each side, to be large and oval, to be formed by turning angle-irons up with piece of angle - iron above and level with stringer plate, all to be made quite tight, no scuppers to be cut through stringer plate.
61. Cementing. Vessel to be cemented to the level of limber holes amidships thence to the top of the bilges so as to cover bolt heads. Frames and floors to be well filled. “All inaccessible parts of the peaks were filled in solid with concrete cement, and the upper deck waterways flushed and rounded with cement."$&6$&
62. Painting. Three coats or red iron paint from Keel to Gunwale and rail outside and inside woodwork to be properly painted. Bulwarks to be finished suitable colours, Masts and Spars white last coat zinc. Twixt decks white, Beams white, Deck unpainted.
63. Sails. A double suit of sails of best extra all long flax canvas (except Royals, Mainstay sails, Skysail, Mizzen Staysail, flying jibs of which there is one of each) with one set of studding sails, Boat covers and mast covers as per list herewith.
64. Sundries. Four hen coops of Teak 8 ft long. Pig houses covered with teak to be found and fitted with all requisites necessary and placed where required. Racks for arms to be fitted, one four pounder gun to be found and fitted with carriage, Breech ropes and fixings, ladders for hold and Twix Deck and for Peaks and skids. Handsome stairway with perforated brass steps. Teak hand rails, Belaying pins and rigging winches at fore and main rigging. Spare tiller to be found, Gratings aft and covers for steering gear in Teak. The Block Sheaves, Hearts, Deadeyes and Bull’s eyes to be of Lignum Vitae, the pins steel. The bindings inside fore and main deadeyes 9” in diameter, remainder in proportion. A figurehead by Allan with suitable carving about the stern and to correspond with the name of the ship.
65. Anchors. As required by Lloyds, all Trotman’s and admiralty tested.$&7$&
66. Cables. Two chain cables, one Stream cable as per Lloyds and Admiralty proof Test, one Towline 120 fathoms 9", three warps 90 fathoms each 8, 6 and 5 inch. Owners to have option of ordering anchors. Cables and all other chains from Brown and Lennox or other approved makers and, if any differences of prices between them and others as supplied on the Clyde, to be paid for by the owners.
67. Sails. 1 Flying Jib, 3 Standing Jibs, 2 Fore Topmast Staysails, 2 Fore Sails, 2 Upper Fore Topsails, 2 Lower Topsails, 2 Top Gallant Sails, 1 Royal (Fore), 2 Main Sails, 1 Royal (Main), 2 Upper Main topsails, 2 Lower Main topsails, 2 Main Top Gallant sails, 1 Main Skysail, 1 Main Topmast Staysail, 1 Main Spencer, 1 Mizzen Cross Jack, 1 Mizzen Top Gallant Sail, 2 Upper Mizzen Topsails, 2 Lower Mizzen Topsails, 2 Spankers, 1 Mizzen Topmast Staysail, 1 Mizzen Top Gallant Staysail, 3 Topmast Studding Sails, 3 Top Gallant Studding Sails, 2 Lower Studding Sails, 2 Wind Sails, 1 Main Top Gallant Staysail, set of boat sails, spars and gear complete as specified. A Quarter Deck Awning to after hatch with stanchions complete with wire ridge rope, 2 setting pins, 6 palms assorted, 24 sail needles assorted, 6 sail hooks and 4 iron rubbers.
68. Carpenter’s and Boatswain’s Stores. 1 Hand Copper Pump, 3 Pump Spars, 3 Lower Boxes, 1 Brake Burgee Spare, 1 Pair rigging screws, 2 Laundering Rods. Full set of Studding sail Booms and Yards with Blocks and Gear complete as specified, all studding sail booms to be under the yards; side ladders with two brass headed stanchions with ropes complete on both sides. Hold ladders, forecastle and half-deck ladder, ditto as before provided. 1 Teak accommodation ladder with Crane complete. 1 Booby Hatch of Teak for Half-deck as specified. 2 sets of tarpaulins for each hatch. 6 handspikes. Capstan Bars (Complete sets to each Capstan in Racks). 1 Pitch Pot and ladle, 12 chain hooks, 1 Grindstone and trough, 6 Tar Brushes, 1 set of ash oars for each boat. 7 Double Luff Tackle Blocks. 7 Single Blocks. 24 Spare Sheaves and pins, 12 spare blocks assorted, chain stoppers as before provided, 2 shank painters, 1 spunyarn winch (iron), 1 Double purchase block, 1 single purchase block, 2 cat blocks, 2 Top Blocks, 1 Purchase Gin and chain, 1 Ballast Chain, 1 Purchase Gaff, 1 Anchor Fish-hook, 1 Boat hook to each boat, 2 Watch Tackle blocks, 2 snatch blocks iron bound, 9 Ballast shovels, 2 Marline spikes, 6 Serving Mallets, 1 iron long 6 lb gun with carriage complete; 4 pair chain can hooks, 2 pairs timber grips, 1 pair puncheon slings. Hen coops as may be required. 4 cork fenders, boat chocks complete. 1 Double purchase winch to be fitted with Gipsey ends for taking cable. 1 iron capstan on Main Deck and one for forecastle as specified.$&8$& Pig Houses with iron bars as before described. 1 dozen assorted connecting shackles 60 ft (lineal) soft wood deck deal, 30 ft lineal Elman Redwood, 12 scrapers, 4 iron Crow Bars, 2 iron slices, 2 flat files, 12 Hooks and Thimbles assorted, 2 Buoys and Ropes, 2 Life Buoys as specified of Cork, 2 spare shackles for Anchors, 2 Doz. Assorted Forelocks, 2 Doz. Washers for Boats, Fids for Masts as specified patent with lifting screws, 1 cwt. of assorted nails, 1 Head Pump, 1 Stern Pump, Fire Engine with Leather hose.
69. Spare Spars. 1 Spare Spar for Lower Yard or Topmast (Vancouver); 1 Spar for Lower Topsail Yard or Jibboom; 1 Spar for Lower Topgallant Yard; 6 Spars for Lower Studding Sail Booms
70. Cooper’s Stores. 4 Water Casks (100 gallons each), 4 Breakers (20 gallons each), 2 Harness Casks Teak with Brass Hoops, 12 Buckets Teak with brass hoops in Teak stands, 1 Water can, 1 Wash Deck Tub, 5 Mess Kids, 2 Water Funnels, 2 Draw Buckets, 6 Bread Boxes, 1 Cask for flour, 1 Steep Tub, 2 Cook’s Buckets, 2 Cabin Buckets.
71. Ship Chandler' Stores. 1 Barometer, 4 Hour Glasses, 1 Spy Glass, 2 Half Hour glasses, 1 Log Reel, 1 Deep Sea Lead, 1 Deep Sea Lead Line and Reel, 2 Hand Leads and Lines, 2 Lead Log Boards, 1 Harpoon, 1 Pair Grains, 1/2 Hide Pump Leather, 2 Brass Signal Lantern, 1 Forecastle Globe Lantern, 18 Fishing Hooks, 3 Fishing Lines, 1 Spare Log Line, 1 Brass Speaking Trumpet, 1 Fog Horn, 6 Deck Scrubbing Brushes, 6 Paint Brushes, 1 Register Box and Brass Lock and Key, 4 Mops, 1 Cabin Sweeping Brush, 12 Paint Brushes assorted, 5 Oil Tanks (10 gallons each to be fitted where required), 1 Shark Hook, 1 Large Portable Filter for Water, 1 Teak Medicine Chest with flips of names on it and fitted with medicines according to Act of Parliament, 1 Ensign, 1 Union Jack, 1 Vane, 1 Burgee with Ship’s name, 1 Set Signals (largest size), Mercantile Code and Book complete with Signal Halliards fore and aft and box on locker to hold them, 1 Private Signal.
72. Cabin Stores. 1 Copper Tea Kettle, 1 Tea Pot Elkington E. Plate, 1 Coffee Pot, 12 Tea Spoons Elkington E. Plate, 12 Table Spoons Elkington E. Plate, 12 Dessert Spoons Elkington E. Plate, 12 Plated Forks Elkington E. Plate, 12 Table Knives with Ivory Handles, 12 Dessert Knives with Ivory Handles, 2 Carving Knives and Forks, 1 Steel, 1 Cabin Stove with Copper Funnel and pan complete to be approved of, 1 Metal Tureen, 1 Metal Ladle E. Plate, 4 doz. Plates sssorted, 4 doz. Dishes to match, 3 Metal Dish Covers, 2 Black Jacks, Wash-hand Basin and Jug, and other crockery to match to be fitted up in each state cabin, 6 Stools and 1 set of fire and hair cushions, the same to be secured to the Deck and locker under cabin, Table for Linen, and water jugs for cabin, 6 Best Percussion muskets and Bayonets, 6 Best Percussion Pistols, 12 cutlasses, 1 Cleaning Rod, 2 Nippers Key and Trunscrew, 100 Ball Cartridges, 25 of 4 lb. Priming Horn and Pricker, 2 Boxes of Caps, 24 4 lb. shot, 2 lb. of fire Gunpowder, 1 Copper Magazine with Brass Locks and Keys, 3 Pairs Handcuffs, 2 Brass Candlesticks, 1 Pair Snuffers and Tray, 4 Decanters, 1 Cabin Lamp, 2 doz. Tumblers, 2 doz. Wine Glasses, Lamps to be supplied to each room to be portable, 1 Pair Lamp Scissors, 1 Tea and Breakfast Service complete, 2 Brass Locks, 1 Teak Sideboard, 1 Pair Flour Scales, 1 Spring Balance, 1 Set Scales and weights, 1 Pair of Steel Yards, 2 Coffee Mills, 1 Candle Box, 1 Flour Scoop, 1 Flour Dredger, 1 set of Castors with 5 or 6 bottles E. Plate, 1 Fowl (sic), 1 Plate Basket, 3 Cork Screws, 1 Brush, 1 Dust Pan, 2 Fancy Bread Basket.
Cabin to be fitted up as per plan to be given and agreed upon. Hair Cushions on after lockers, Brass rings to locker lids and locks for each.
Lockers for Bread, Peas, Barley and Rice to be fitted up and lined with tin. Pantry to be properly fitted up.
Lockers that are necessary to be fitted up in cabin. Brass lights to be in each room and on each side of the forecastle as before described. Looking glass and Time-piece for Cabin. The Poop Skylight Companion and Quarter Hatch Grating over wheel gear and Hen Coops to be of Teak.
73. Galley. To be of Wood.
74. Cook’s Stores. 1 Frying Pan, 1 Cook’s Ladle, 1 Tormentor, 1 Cullender, 2 Dippers, 6 Saucepans, 2 Stew Pans, 1 Baker, 1 Pair of Tongs, 1 Gridiron, 3 Baking Pans, 1 Cook’s Knife, 1 Sieve, 1 Ladle, 1 Cook’s Lantern, 1 Cook’s Axe. Any of the above to be found with Cabouse not to be supplied, Cabouse to be approved of by owner to be of the best Modern Construction. 6 Bath Bricks, 1 Cook’s Saw.
75. The whole to be of the very best workmanship, material and finish. All wood about the decks to be of Teak and anything omitted in this specification necessary in either building or outfit to complete the vessel for sea to be supplied by the builder free of charge.
bingbing305 于 2018-7-26 04:35:44 发表了:
本帖最后由 bingbing305 于 2018-7-26 04:46 编辑
基本科技树 参考《影响人类进程的100个科学发明》
一、医学篇:注射器、温度计、听诊器、血压计、阿司匹林、青霉素、CT扫描仪、 试管婴儿、人造心脏;
二、理化篇:历法、显微镜、压力锅、化肥、人造染料、塑料、真空三极管、加速 器、侯氏制碱法、尼龙、人工降雨、晶体管、特氟隆
三、科技篇:文字、造纸术、印刷术、编织机、电池、发电机、电梯、打字机、电 冰箱、录音机、变压器、照相机、电影、空调、洗衣机、火箭、电视 机、复印机、微波炉、机器人、录像机
四、信息篇:计算机、电报、电话、电话交换机、无线电、传真机、人造卫星、鼠 标、光纤、条形码、互联网、全球卫星定位系统
六、交通篇:指南针、蒸气机、热气球、降落伞、蒸汽汽船、铁路、自行车、内燃 机、轮子、地下铁道、红绿灯、汽车、摩托车、飞机、磁悬浮列车
七、生活篇:肥皂、纸币、玻璃、眼镜、钟表、镜子、钢琴、抽水马桶、缝纫机、 罐头食品、雨衣、火柴、邮票、牛仔裤、方便面、白炽灯、钢笔、可 口可乐、保温瓶、拉链、安全剃须刀、不绣钢、魔方黄色:临近生产红色:库存加持
天天白日梦 于 2018-7-26 08:32:20 发表了:
天天白日梦 于 2018-7-26 08:47:43 发表了:
楼主对 同人 神灯计划1、2的产物都标了,怎么漏了神灯计划3?
lightino 于 2018-7-26 11:20:51 发表了:
bart 于 2018-7-26 11:26:01 发表了:
capa 于 2018-7-26 17:38:31 发表了:
lightino 于 2018-7-27 07:06:04 发表了:
kong78 发表于 2018-7-26 00:12
http://lgqm.huijiwiki.com/wiki/% … 4%E8%AF%9E%E7%94%9F 机械式计算机
https://tieba.ba …
lightino 于 2018-7-27 07:22:21 发表了:
天天白日梦 发表于 2018-7-26 08:47
楼主对 同人 神灯计划1、2的产物都标了,怎么漏了神灯计划3?
埋弧电炉、变压器、电力电容、电流表、电压 …
kong78 于 2018-7-27 08:26:54 发表了:
lightino 发表于 2018-7-27 07:06你这个橡胶的同人也没种出来,苗木还都冻死了。
冷峻冰河 于 2018-7-27 09:20:09 发表了:
cqduoluo 于 2018-7-27 20:38:11 发表了:
Scat 于 2018-7-27 20:57:30 发表了:
lightino 于 2018-7-30 10:53:47 发表了:
Scat 发表于 2018-7-27 20:57完不成啥
Scat 于 2018-7-30 11:02:06 发表了:
lightino 发表于 2018-7-30 10:53
没事乱溜达 于 2018-7-30 11:58:21 发表了:
Scat 发表于 2018-7-30 11:02琼北种橡胶都不少